• Resuscitating Sepsis - How I do it after 6S
  • Intensive Care Anno 2015 - What can we do better
    Dr. Luciano Gattinoni
  • iFAD 2012 Eric Hoste, Ghent, Belgium
    Eric Hoste
  • Standards for intravenous fluid therapy audit of maintenance fluids in surgical inpatients
    Dr. Bjorn Birk
  • Faculty Quote Dr. Dileep Lobo
    Dr. Dileep Lobo
  • Faculty Quote Dr. Antoine Viellard Baron
    Dr. Antoine Viellard Baron
  • The therapeutic conflict - When each of your decisions may cause harm?
    Dr. Azriel Perel
  • iFAD 2012 Christian Putensen, Bonn, Germany
    Christian Putensen
  • Djillali Annane - The Cristal Study
    Dr. Djillali Annane
  • What everyone should now about Balanced Solutions
    Dr. Pietro Caironi
  • Dr. Azriel Perel
  • Anders Perner - The 6S Study
    Dr. Anders Perner
  • Heart - Transthoracic Approach
    Dr. Michel Slama
  • PRO-CON debate on the role of Albumin - PRO - I need albumin on the ICU
    Dr. Luciano Gattinoni
  • Faculty Quote Dr. Karim Asehnoune
    Dr. Karim Asehnoune
  • Hands-on Session: Lung
    D. Lichtenstein, R. Gatz, P. Elbers, M. Smet, W. Stockman, M. Malbrain
  • Round Table Discussion - Perioperative Fluids
  • Abdomen - Advanced issues
    Dr. Jeoffrey Schouten
  • Rainer Gatz - Tutorial Acid Base
    Dr. Rainer Gatz
  • Faculty Quote Dr. Jan Poelaert
    Dr. Jan Poelaert
  • Azriel Perel - Sepsis Bundles
    Dr. Azriel Perel
  • Capita Selecta
    Dr. Mike Smet
  • PRO-CON debate on the role of Albumin - CON - I dont need Albumin
    Dr. Paul Elbers
  • Perioperative Goal Directed Therapy
    Dr. Alexandre Joosten
  • PRO-CON debate Do we need CO PRO I need CO monitoring
    Dr. Manu Malbrain
  • Rebuttal and Voting - Round Table Discussion
    Parallel Session
  • The clash of the titans: Volumetric vs barometric indices of preload - Manu Malbrain - IFAD 2011
    Dr. Malbrain Manu
  • The complex reanimation
    Mr. Erik De Vadder
  • The ventilator goes in alarm
    Dr. Pieter Monballyu
  • The failing kidney
    Mr. Patric Dierckx
  • Is hypervolemia so bad - In the ICU
    Dr. Jean-Louis Vincent
  • Accuracy and precision of non-invasive cardiac output
    Dr. Alexandre Joosten
  • The potential organ donor
    Mr. Johan De Blanger
  • What everyone should now about Critical Care Ultrasound
    Dr. Antoine Vieillard-Barron
  • Why HES solutions should NOT be banned perioperatively!
    Stefan De Hert
  • Dileep N Lobo - Right Fluid
    Dr. Dileep Lobo
  • Faculty Quote Dr. Paul Elbers
    Dr. Paul Elbers
  • Rebuttal and Voting - Parallel Session - Acute Blood Loss
    Parallel Session
  • Pharmacokinetic pharmacodynamic target
    Dr. Milan Kaska
  • Faculty Quote Dr. Willem Stockman
    Dr. Willem Stockman
  • Faculty Quote Dr. Inneke De laet
    Dr. Inneke De laet
  • Niels Van Regenmortel - Fluids in the Critically Ill
  • Rudi De Paep - ECMO
    Rudi De Paep
  • Round table discussion - Parallel Session - Perioperative fluid management
    Parallel Session
  • Sibylle Kozek Langenecker - Trauma Resuscitation
    Sibylle Kozek Langenecker
  • PRO-CON debate on ultrasound - CON - I dont need US monitoring
    Dr. Adrian Wong
  • PRO-CON debate on fluids in hemorrhagic shock PRO I need colloids in hemorrhagic shock
    Dr. Michael (Monty) G Mythen
  • Systolic Anterior Motion of Mitral Valve
    Dr. Jiyoung Yoo
  • Vascular Access
    Dr. Willem Stockman
  • Monitoring of fluid status in critically ill patients
    Dr. Manu Malbrain
  • What everyone should know about the colloid-crystalloid
    Dr. Paul Elbers
  • The hypertonics: lessons from massive fluid administration for small volume therapy - Dirk Himpe - IFAD 2011
    Dr. Himpe Dirk
  • iFAD 2012 Can Ince, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
    Dr. Can Ince
  • Faculty Quote Dr. Diederik Gommers
    Dr. Diederik Gommers
  • Surviving the Extreme
    Dr. Rogier Nieuwendijk
  • Translational medicine - The ICU Cockpit
    Dr. Geert Creemers & Dr. Manu Malbrain
  • Personalised antibiotic therapy at surgical intensive care unit.
    M. Kaska
  • Pushing the boundaries: what’s beyond the final frontier? - Can Ince - IFAD 2011
    Dr. Ince Can
  • Abdomen
    Dr. Mike Smet
  • How safe is blood, platelet and plasma transfusion?
    Ludo Muylle
  • Faculty Quote Dr. Djillali Annane
    Dr. Djillali Annane
  • Faculty Quote Dr. Michael Mythen
    Dr. Michael Mythen
  • Perioperative fluid management - how restrictive should we go
    Dr. Michael (Monty) G Mythen
  • Manu Malbrain
  • PRO-CON debate on CVP - PRO - I need CVP monitoring
    Dr. Anders Perner
  • The search for the Holy Grail continues: is there a place for lactate? - Jan Bakker - IFAD 2011
    Jan Bakker
  • Philippe Van der Linden - Fluids in Cardiac Surgery
    Philippe Van der Linden
  • Faculty Quote Dr. Pietro Caironi
    Dr. Pietro Caironi
  • Fluid responsiveness
    Dr. Xavier Monnet
  • Complexe Wondzorgproblemen
    Dr. Cindy Lafaire
  • Xavier Monnet - Less Invasive Monitoring
    Dr. Xavier Monnet
  • iFAD 2012 Sibylle Kozek Vienna, Austria
  • Faculty Quote Dr. Luciano Gattinoni
    Dr. Luciano Gattinoni
  • Faculty Quote Dr. Can Ince
    Dr. Can Ince
  • Vascular access
    Cedric Coucke, and Simon Van Hooland
  • An annoying ECG
    Dr. Sander De Lange
  • Faculty Quote Dr. Niels Van Regenmortel
    Dr. Niels Van Regenmortel
  • Ten good reasons why everybody can do ultrasound!
    Simon Van Hooland
  • PRO-CON debate on crystalloids - PRO - I need balanced solutions
    Dr. Dileep Lobo
  • Round Table Discussion - Sepsis
  • Rebuttal and Voting
    Parallel Session
  • Assessing volumes status from urine
    Dr. Pietro Caironi
  • PRO-CON debate on the role of Albumin - Rebuttal and Voting
    Parallel Session
  • Faculty Quote Dr. David Muckart
    Dr. David Muckart
  • Intraoperative anapylaxis due to gelofusine
    Dr. Grazyna Michalska-Krzanowska
  • Some colloids are more equal than others: does our choice matter? - Sibylle Kozek-Langenecker - IFAD 2011
    Sibylle Kozek-Langenecker
  • Resuscitating Sepsis - How I do it after CRISTAL
    Dr. Djillali Annane
  • The future of monitoring in critical care
    Paul Marik
  • CON - dont exaggerate
    Dr. Anders Perner
  • What everyone needs to know about Fluid Responsiveness and Fluid Challenges
    Dr. Xavier Monnet
  • Koen De Decker - Evaluation of CardioPAT autotransfusion system in elective cardiac surgery
    Koen De Decker
  • Faculty Quote Dr. John Prowle
    Dr. John Prowle
  • Alexander Wilmer - Nutrition after an ePanic Attack
    Alexander Wilmer
  • Conventional Chest X-ray versus extra vascular lungwater index
    Dr. Valerie van der Mee
  • PRO-CON debate on fluids in hemorrhagic shock CON Crystalloids are fine
    Dr. Robert Hahn
  • Tips and tricks on how to get the most out of your PiCCO device
    Dr. Manu Malbrain
  • Fluid and hemodynamic management on the neuro-ICU
    Dr. Ingrid Baar
  • Prize award and wrap it up
    Dr. Niels Van Regenmortel
  • Lung and diaphragm ultrasound
    Dr. Daniel Lichtenstein
  • Faculty Quote Dr. Geert Creemers
    Dr. Geert Creemers
  • Manu Malbrain - Warm Welcome
    Dr. Manu Malbrain
  • Acetylsaliculic acid as a therapeutic measure
    Dr. Bernardo Panka
  • Can Ince - Keep an Eye on the Microcirculation!
    Dr. Can Ince
  • Faculty Quote Dr. Mike Smet
    Dr. Mike Smet
  • Fix the leaky bucket to prevent fluid overload: How CytoSorb stops capillary leakage
    Karl Traeger
  • iFAD 2012 Monty Mythen, London, United Kingdom
    Monty Mythen
  • Predictors of diminished corrected left ventricular mass index in female anorexic adolescents: Is a high level of ferritin a cardiac risk predictor
    M. Docx
  • Rational peri-operative goal directed therapy
    Dr. Azriel Perel
  • Prize Award Ceremony and Wrap it up!
    Dr. Manu Malbrain
  • Round Table Discussion - Medical Challenges
  • Prize Award Ceremony and Wrap it up
    Dr. Manu Malbrain
  • HES in trauma - current status and future perspectives
    Dr. Karim Asehnoune
  • PRO-CON debate on crystalloids - CON - Saline is just fine 2
    Dr. Niels Van Regenmortel
  • Paul Elbers - Tutorial Acid Base
    Dr. Paul Elbers
  • Breaking News Session - Suspecting Ebola: when the dress code becomes life saving! Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – A Practical demonstration
    Yvan Somers
  • Frederik Verbrugge - Serum urea/creatinine ratio predicts suc­cessful loop diuretic therapy in congestive heart failure
    Frederik Verbrugge
  • Lung - The Blue protocol
    Dr. Daniel Lichtenstein
  • Philippe Jorens - Update in Traumatic Brain Injury
    Dr. Philippe Jorens
  • Maintenance fluids from recommendations fo daily practice
    Dr. Dileep Lobo
  • Faculty Quote Dr. Xavier Monnet
    Dr. Xavier Monnet
  • How to get the most out of your ventilator and NAVA
    Dr. Diederik Gommers
  • Abdomen and FAST
    Dr. Rainer Gatz
  • Introduction and Welcome to the 5th iFAD Meeting
    Dr. Manu Malbrain
  • Rebuttal and votting - Plenary Session II
    Plenary Session
  • Is de-resuscitation the solution
    Dr. Inneke De laet
  • Human body fluid composition during uncomplicated pregnancy and reeclampsia: a bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) approach.
    Anneleen S. Staelens
  • Faculty Quote Dr. Dirk Himpe
    Dr. Dirk Himpe
  • Fluid Responsiveness
    Dr. Xavier Monnet
  • Techniques for the future: continuity versus accuracy? - Azriel Perel - IFAD 2011
    Azriel Perel
  • Validation of noninvasive hemodynamic monitoring
    Dr. Jelle Bernards
  • State-of-the-art feeding protocol
    Dr. Kurt Boeykens
  • iFAD 2012 Frédéric Michard, Irvine, USA
    Frédéric Michard
  • The search for holy cows
    Dr. Baudewijn Oosterlynck
  • iFAD 2012 Julia Wendon, London, United Kingdom
    Julia Wendon
  • PRO-CON debate on monitoring in ARDS - ARDS - The monitored approach
    Dr. Daniel Reuter
  • Association between different indexations of extravascular lung water (EVLW) in the age of obesity
    Stefanie Vandervelden
  • Robert Hahn - Introduction Oral Papers on Fluids
    Dr. Robert Hahn
  • Adherence to surviving sepsis guidelines among pediatric
    Dr. Farah Thabet
  • The effect of crystalloid therapy on body water content and intraabdominal pressure in patients undergoing orthopaedic surgery under spinal anaesthesia: A pilot study
    E. Kotlinska-Hasiec
  • The use of bioimpedance spectroscopy to monitor the fluid status in hemodialysis patients
    E. Gheuens
  • iFAD Opening Lecture Fluids beyond resuscitation: Maintenance and replacement
    Dr. Dileep Lobo
  • iFAD 2012 Niels Van Regenmortel, Antwerp, Belgium
    Dr. Niels Van Regenmortel
  • Manu Malbrain - The Art of De-resuscitation
    Dr. Manu Malbrain
  • HES - to be banned or here to stay?
    Hans-Joachim Priebe
  • Difficult weaning from the ventilator
    Dr. Rick Verhage & Dr. Mike Verschueren
  • Leptospirosis with multiple-organ failure: An unusual diagnosis in the ICU
    N. Lotfi Naghsh
  • The great critical care quiz
    All Faculty
  • Faculty Quote Dr. Jean-Louis Vincent
    Dr. Jean-Louis Vincent
  • iFAD 2012 Jean-Louis Vincent, Brussels, Belgium
    Dr. Jean-Louis Vincent
  • Resuscitating Sepsis - How I do it after Albios
  • The abnormal hemodynamic parameters
    Dr. Rogier Nieuwendijk
  • Considerations when choosing a physiological balanced crystalloid
    Dr. Robert Hahn
  • Faculty Quote Dr. Jeoffrey Schouten
    Dr. Jeoffrey Schouten
  • Faculty Quote Dr. Michel Slama
    Dr. Michel Slama
  • What everyone needs to know about treating ARDS
    Dr. Luciano Gattinoni
  • Ruth Kleinpell - Honorary IFAD Closing Lecture: Applying the Surviving Sepsis Campaign to Clinical Practice
    Ruth Kleinpell
  • iFAD 2012 Rainer Gatz, Copenhagen, Denmark
    Dr. Rainer Gatz
  • Robert Hahn - Balanced Solutions
    Dr. Robert Hahn
  • Abstract Session Robert Hahn
    Dr. Robert Hahn
  • The association between global hemodynamics, cerebral oxygenation and survival in post-cardiac arrest patients
    K. Ameloot
  • Relation between cardiovascular function and body fluids during pregnancy
    S. Vonck
  • Faculty Quote Dr. Anders Perner
    Dr. Anders Perner
  • Neurologic emergencies
    Dr. Ingrid Baar
  • Antoine Viellard Baron
  • Prognostic Value of Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
    Dr. Stefanie Vandervelden
  • The glycocalyx - new insights
    Dr. Can Ince
  • How to deliver US traning
    Dr. Adrian Wong
  • PRO-CON Debate Perioperative Goal Directed Therapy - PRO
    Dr. Alexandre Joosten
  • Systematic review and meta-analysis on the impact of a positive cumulative fluid balance on intraabdominal hypertension and outc.
    I. Witters
  • What is new in CPR anno 2015
    Dr. Erik De Vadder
  • Dry lungs are happy, but a dry liver is deadly: how can dye-dilution help us? - Michael Bauer - IFAD 2011
    Michael Bauer
  • Pulling the break: Triggers to stop fluid loading
    Jan De Waele
  • The future of fluids in critical care
    Dr. Jean-Louis Vincent
  • Rebuttal and Voting - Parallel Session - ARDS and Sepsis
    Parallel Session
  • Niels Van Regenmortel - Warm Welcome
    Dr. Niels Van Regenmortel
  • Is there a place for continuous glucose and lactate monitoring?
    Dr. Jean-Louis Vincent
  • Round Table Discussion - Opening Ceremony
    Dr. Manu Malbrain
  • A worrying blood gas analysis
    Dr. Niels Van Regenmortel
  • Transcranial doppler (TCD) - vascular access
    Dr. Willem Stockman
  • How to consolidate US in your unit
    Dr. Paul Elbers
  • Faculty Quote Dr. Azriel Perel
    Dr. Azriel Perel
  • Faculty Quote Dr. Adrian Wong
    Dr. Adrian Wong
  • PRO-CON debate on ultrasound - PRO - I need US monitoring
    Dr. Jan Poelaert
  • iFAD 2012 Thomas Jack, Hannover, Germany
    Thomas Jack
  • What everyone should know about Albumin
    Dr. Pietro Caironi
  • Rebuttal and Voting - Parallel Session - Cardiac Output Monitoring
    Parallel Session
  • Enhancing surgical recovery
    Dr. Michael (Monty) G Mythen
  • So we need prophylactic Colloids
    Dr. Robert Hahn
  • Is hypervolemia so bad - in the operating room
    Dr. Robert Hahn
  • iFAD 2012 Azriel Perel, Tel Aviv, Israel
    Dr. Azriel Perel
  • Luciano Gattinoni - Albumin
    Dr. Luciano Gattinoni
  • iFAD 2012 Xavier Monnet, Paris, France
    Dr. Xavier Monnet
  • PRO-CON debate on CVP - CON - I dont need CVP monitoring
    Dr. Daniel Reuter
  • Left Ventricle
    Dr. Michel Slama
  • Heart - The transthoracal approach
    Dr. Michel Slama
  • Faculty Quotes Sherif Nasr and Sylviana Barsoum
  • Riddles in the dark - How can the Stewart approach assist the clinician?
    Dr. Niels Van Regenmortel
  • Left ventricle
    Dr. Michel Slama
  • A whiter shade of pale in trauma
    Dr. David Muckart
  • Faculty Quote Dr. Daniel Reuter
    Dr. Daniel Reuter
  • Normal values and choosing targets on ICU
    Dr. Luciano Gattinoni
  • Michael Sander - Perioperative Fluid Management
    Michael Sander
  • TEE - Advanced techniques
    Dr. Jan Poelaert
  • Introduction and welcome to the 4th IFAD Meeting!
    Dr. Manu Malbrain
  • Implementation of the Earlysense system to prevent complications on a general ward
    S. Bots
  • Jean-Louis Teboul - Right Heart Failure
    Jean-Louis Teboul
  • Honorary IFAD Opening lecture - The Guinea Pig Club
    Dr. David Muckart
  • Round Table Discussion - Trauma followed by Closure Lecture
    Dr. Manu Malbrain
  • iFAD 2012 Giuseppe Citerio, Monza, Italy
    Giuseppe Citerio
  • Rebuttal and Voting - Round Table Discussion - Ultrasound Monitoring
    Parallel Session
  • Right Ventricle
    Dr. Antoine Vieillard-Barron
  • Fluids choices in the elderly
    Dr. Dileep Lobo
  • Mechanical intestinal obstruction in a porcine model: effects of intra-abdominal hypertension
    L. Correa-Martín, E. Párraga-Ros, M. García-Lindo, F. Sánchez-Margallo, R. Latorre-Reviriego, O. López-Albors, R. Wise, M.L.N.G. Malbrain, G. Castellanos-Escrig
  • Fluid overload: poor cosmetics or bad medicine? - Manu Malbrain - IFAD 2011
    Dr. Malbrain Manu
  • PRO-CON debate Do we need CO CON I dont need CO monitoring
    Dr. David Muckart
  • The clash of the titans: crystalloids versus colloids? - Eric Hoste - IFAD 2011
    Dr. Hoste Eric
  • Hemodynamic management of early sepsis
    Paul Marik
  • Faculty Quote Dr. Manu Malbrain
    Dr. Manu Malbrain
  • Dr. Can Ince
  • Crystalloids or colloids in posterperative shock
    Dr. Djillali Annane
  • Dr. Jan Poelaert
  • Implementation of extended haemodynamic
    Dr. Sandra Funcke
  • PRO-CON debate on monitoring in ARDS - ARDS - The Clinical Approach
    Dr. Jean-Louis Vincent
  • PRO-CON Debate Perioperative Goal Directed Therapy - CON
    Dr. Azriel Perel
  • Assessment of fluid therapy: use the right tool for the right job! - Xavier Monnet - IFAD 2011
    Xavier Monnet
  • Capita Selecta
    Dr. Mike Smet
  • Dileep Lobo - Crystalloids
    Dr. Dileep Lobo
  • Renal recovery and modality choice
    Dr. John R Prowle
  • Non-invasive monitoring of oxygen delivery - new frontiers
    Dr. Azriel Perel
  • Heart – The transesophageal approach
    Dr. Jan Poelaert
  • How to consolidate US in your unit
    Dr. Paul Elbers
  • Whats left of GDT in sepsis
    Dr. Azriel Perel
  • Introduction
    Dr. Niels Van Regenmortel
  • PRO - Dont hold back
    Dr. Can Ince
  • iFAD 2012 Manu Malbrain, Antwerp, Belgium
    Dr. Manu Malbrain
  • Abdomen - Advanced issues
    Dr. Jeoffrey Schouten
  • Circulatory optimisation - Are we choose the right parameters
    Dr. Anders Perner
  • Sibylle Kozek Langenecker - Choice of Fluids after Trauma
    Sibylle Kozek Langenecker
  • Test vimeo 2017 nov 25
  • Warm welcome!
    Dr. Niels Van Regenmortel
  • Introduction and basic concepts of fluid therapy - Niels Van Regenmortel - IFAD 2011
    Dr. Van Regenmortel Niels
  • Cutaneous microcirculation in preterm neonates: comparison between Sidestream Dark Field (SDF) and Incident Dark Field (IDF) imaging.
    H. Elteren
  • Prognostic value of bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) derived parameters in healthy volunteers and critically ill patients
    L. Feddy, J. Barker, P. Fawcett, I. Malagon
  • Rebuttal and Voting Round Table Discussion
    Parallel Session
  • Faculty Quote Dr. Daniel Lichtenstein
    Dr. Daniel Lichtenstein
  • Sibylle Kozek Langenecker - Fluid Trials
    Sibylle Kozek Langenecker
  • Faculty Quote Dr. Antoine Alexandre Joosten
    Dr. Alexandre Joosten
  • Faculty Quote Dr. Robert Hahn
    Dr. Robert Hahn
  • Can gelatins replace HES?
    Philippe Van der Linden
  • Transcranial Doppler
    Dr. Willem Stockman
  • Nursing issues regarding correct antibiotic treatment
    Dr. Stijn Blot
  • Lung - The Blue Protocol and Advanced issues
    Dr. Daniel Lichtenstein
  • iFAD 2012 Wilfried Mullens, Genk Belgium
    Wilfried Mullens
  • Finetuning fluids in the liver patient
    Julia Wendon
  • Welcome
    Dr. Niels Van Regenmortel
  • Niels Van Regenmortel - Balanced Crystalloids
    Dr. Niels Van Regenmortel
  • Introduction
    Dr. Niels Van Regenmortel

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