The International Fluid Academy (IFA) is now part of iMERiT (International Medical Education and Research Initiative), a not-for-profit organisation under Belgian law. The IFA started in 2011 and was incorporated in VOMER (Vereniging ter Ondersteuning van Medische Opleiding en Research VZW) in 2014 (for more information see:
The website is not funded. We pay for it from our personal funds. There is no structured sponsorship, no grants and no institutional support. It’s pretty expensive, but it’s worth it. We do it because learning is good. You can support us by subscribing and sharing our work. Lifetime membership is free of charge.
Occasionally if there is some benefit after the organisation of the International Fluid Academy Days (our bi-annual international symposium) we use these funds as an unrestricted eduactional grant to support the website and the distribution of open access research. The content on this website is by NO means influenced by any third party.