Day 2: November 24, 2017

The first IFAD day will start on Nov 24th with a plenary session with lectures on Sepsis 3.0, critical care year in review and avoiding massive transfusion. Afterwards the day moves along in two parallel sessions with topics for intensivsits, anaesthetists or a broader audience. After lunch 6 master class satellite symposia will be organsied. Not to be missed is the hot topics session with presentation of IFA endorsed research (supported by unrestricted educational grants covering the fee for Open Access publication) within the FOAM philosophy. Before the first day plenary "Wrap It Up" closing session given by the fantastic SoMe (social media) team there will be a focus on the hypotensive shocked patient and the patient with fluid overload.

Enjoy the IFAD!

Prof. Dr. Manu Malbrain
ICU DIrector, UZ Brussels, Belgium
IFA President
IFAD Scientific Programme Chair and Director

Dr. Niels Van Regenmortel
ICU Director, ZNA Stuivenberg, Antwerp, Belgium
IFA co-founder
IFAD Scientific Programme Chair and co-Director


Friday November 24th 2017

  Chairs: Dirk Himpe, Paul Elbers
9:00 - 9:15 Introduction and Welcome to the 6th iFAD Meeting!
Manu Malbrain
9:15 - 9:35 Honorary IFAD Opening Lecture
Sepsis 3.0 Was it worth the wait?
Mervyn Singer
9:35 - 9:50 Less is more: what is the best frequency of routine investigations?
Ruth Kleinpell
9:50 - 10:05 Avoiding Massive Transfusion
Karim Brohi
10:05 - 10:20 60 years on from Shires and Moore’s plea for ‘Moderation’: Culture eats evidence for breakfast
Monty Mythen
10:20 - 10:55 COFFEE BREAK

  The Race to the Bottom (Session 2)
Optimising the Perioperative Patient (Session 3)
  Chairs: Patrick Honoré, Luciano Gattinoni
Chairs: Johan Berghmans, Monty Mythen
10:55 - 11:10 The dangers of de-resuscitation The Oxygen Reserve Index: A new paradigm in monitoring oxygenation
Jan De Waele Azriel Perel
11:10 - 11:25 Dry enough? When to stop CVVH? Goal directed fluid restriction
Olivier Joannes-Boyau Monty Mythen
11:25 - 11:40 (Too) permissive hypotension Pros and cons of colloids in the OR?
Karim Brohi Robert Hahn
11:40 - 12:00 Round Table Discussion Round Table Discussion
12:00 - 13:00 LUNCH BREAK

  TRACK A (Session 4)
TRACK B (Session 5)
  Chairs: Manu Malbrain, Philippe Jorens, Mervyn Singer
Chairs: Niels Van Regenmortel, Robert Hahn, Paul Marik
13:00 - 13:30 The importance of extravascualr lung water in the ARDS definition The ideal maintenance solution
Manu Malbrain Niels Van Regenmortel
unrestricted educational grant MAQUET unrestricted educational grant BAXTER
13:30 - 14:00 Landiolol in Atrial Fibrillation in Intensive care (Martin Balik) Optimizing blood pressure and organ perfusion with vasopressors and fluids
Vasopressin in different types of vasoplegic shock (Sebastian Rehberg)  Daniel Chappell
unrestricted educational grant AMOMED unrestricted educational grant FRESENIUS-KABI
14:00 - 14:30 Cytokine removal in critically ill patients: Clinical experience, tips and tricks The ICU of the Future
Zsolt Molnar Erik Koomen
unrestricted educational grant CYTOSORBENTS unrestricted educational grant BBRAUN
  IFA endorsed research (Session 6)
Perioperative fluids (Session 7)
  Chairs: Manu Malbrain, Niels Van Regenmortel
Chairs: Olivier Joannes-Boyau, robert hahn
14:30 - 14:40 The new ESICM Early Enteral Nutrition Guidelines Perioperative fluid management
Annika Reintam-Blaser Wojciech Dabrowski
14:40 - 14:50 Introducing the TOPMAST-trial Some gelatins are more equal than others
Steven Hendrickx Dirk Himpe
14:50 - 15:00 Fluid Use in Resource-poor Countries Calibrating Pulse Contour Analysis: why bother?
Robert Wise Thomas Scheeren
15:00 - 15:10 Discussion Discussion

15:10 - 15:40 COFFEE BREAK

  The hypotensive edematous septic patient (Session 8)
Fluid Overload Revisited (Session 9)
  Chairs: Thomas Woodcock, Paul Marik
Chairs: Joel Starkopf, Jan De Waele
15:40 - 15:55 Albumin Iatrogenic hemodilution: A possible source for avoidable transfusions?
Luciano Gattinoni Azriel Perel
15:55 - 16:10 Vasopressors Meta-analysis of fluid overload
Paul Marik John Silversides
16:10 - 16:25 Fluid Challenges The furosemide stress test
Xavier Monnet Eric Hoste
16:25 - 16:40 Round Table Discussion Round Table Discussion
  Stewart and the Electrolytes (Session 10)
Impact of Fluid Overload (Session 11)
16:40 - 16:55 Practical use of urinary electrolytes Impact of fluid overload on weaning
Pietro Caironi TBA
16:55 - 17:10 The bicarbonate challenge test Impact of fluid overload on pK/Pd
Luciano Gattinoni Fabio Taccone
17:15 - 17:30 Day 1 Wrap it Up and Take Home Messages (Session 12)
The IFAD 2017 SoMe Team

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