Join #dasSMACC
Save the date June 26-29, Berlin, Germany
What is SMACC?
The Social Media and Critical Care Conference continues to harness the immense energy of FOAM and dasSMACC in Berlin June 26-29 2017 promises to be the best one yet.
SMACC has seen spectacular growth since its humble beginnings. The Conference has grown from an enthusiastic idea into a global leader amongst critical care events. Whilst SMACC is primarily a high quality, academic meeting, the real reason behind this growth is the enormous and inspiring energy of the critical care community itself. A community that crosses traditional hierarchies, professional barriers and international borders. This is a community dedicated to innovation, teaching and learning. A community based around the pursuit of excellence in patient care, and a passion for sharing this as widely as possible.
What Makes SMACC Different?
So, why did the SMACC conference SELL OUT all 2000 delegate registrations in minutes?
To begin with, the affiliated websites supporting SMACC represent a comprehensive list of the “who’s who” in the FOAM world. The talented clinicians behind these websites have come together and harnessed their innovation, vitality and expertise to create the SMACC experience. The strong social media connections inherent to SMACC result in an ongoing, online conversation, which in turn, empowers the delegate and enhances their experience. SMACC is focused on being a conference truly for the delegates. Delegates have a say in every aspect of the meeting, including the speakers chosen, program topics, themes and styling, social events, and the questions asked in sessions. This level of delegate interaction with the conference is unparalleled in critical care.
There have also been many positive lessons learned from the FOAM world, which have now been translated into the SMACC Conference. Lessons on how to engage, inspire and make critical care education enjoyable. We keep the talks short (15-20 minutes), choose the topics carefully, handpick speakers who we know can both educate and inspire, and discourage reliance on power point presentations. Of course, all the sessions are recorded and podcast to be released in a FREE series – creating more great FOAM!
What else?
But SMACC isn’t just about the academic presentations. SMACC is an experience. The opening ceremony, the themes of the exhibition hall and welcome events, the teas and lunches provided in the breaks and the massive Gala night, all of which are included in the one registration price, are designed to bring the group together and enhance the feeling of belonging to one critical care
What ’s in the program at a glance?
We have taken all your feedback into consideration and planned for:
Another massive day of workshops on Monday, 26th June 2017 (WORKSHOPS)
A single stream format only featuring the best of the best (PROGRAM)!
The most incredible venue: the Tempodrom
Fabulous accommodation deals which are essential this year as Das SMACC is just before fashion week (ACCOMMODATION)
Registration details are here
The continued innovation and convenience of onsite childcare (crèche)
A bigger and better SMACC party. Yes, it will be massive.
Why Berlin?
Berlin is an amazing and vibrant city and has the energy capable of hosting SMACC. It is no surprise that it has become the artists’ capital of Europe. There is an intriguing combination of grittiness, openness, willingness and enthusiasm in the Berlin community, which make it a perfect destination for the FOAM community. Of course that’s to say nothing of the history, museums and bars.
Berlin is also perfectly situated in the heart of Europe to springboard any European adventure.