Fill in #COVID19 survey on General Management
Please fill in the General survey!
General Management during COVID
The impact of the present COVID-19 crisis on all levels of society is devastating. Therefore we would like to know the following:
- INTENSIVISTS and ANESTHETISTS involved in COVID patients care are invited to answer the survey (takes about 3 minutes) about how they managed and coped with COVID-19 in the ICU.
- Tell us how you managed ICU patients
- Tell us what you feel
- Tell us what you think
- Tell us what you have done
The results will be used in preparation for the great Corona debate with politicians and experts. The original survey in Dutch was created by De Medische Wereld and published on the website of Health4Life.
You can click on the button below to activate the link to the online survey.
Many thanks in advance for your participation!
Ben De Brucker, President Medische Wereld
Manu Malbrain, IFA President, Co-Investigator