#BEACH2018 Social Media Report
#BEACH2018 SoMe Report
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#BEACH2018 Social Media Report
Date: October 12th, 2018
Location: University Hospital, UZ Brussel, Laarbeeklaan 101, 1090 Jette, Belgium
Room: Auditorium Kiekens
BEACH is an innovative Critical Care Educational meeting. This conference provides the highest quality of Critical Care education and is guaranteed to innovate and inspire. The BEACH Faculty is the most provocative, engaging, motivating and inspiring group of international educational speakers and as organizing committee we want to ensure we have the sponsors to match. Together, we make BEACH stand apart from other Critical Care conferences. The BEACH vourse is organised annually by IFA (the International Fluid Academy) and the Department of Critical Care Medicine from the University Hospital Brussel (UZB), in Belgium. Head: Prof Manu Malbrain.
The final Twitter statistics of the #BEACH2018 (data collection only 30 day period 04/11/2018 – 03/12/2019) are listed in the figure below with a total of 1,049,000 impressions, 466 Tweets, 173 participants and on average 1 Tweets per hour (official statistics on #BEACH2018 are accessible via www.symplur.com).
The iFAD started as local initiative from the pharmaceutical working group on fluids from the Ziekenhuis Netwerk Antwerpen (www.zna.be). Today iFAD is integrated within the not-for-profit charitable organization iMERiT, International Medical Education and Research Initiative, under Belgian law and as such the iFAD Organising Committee strongly recognizes and values a constructive partnership with the delegates and industry. The founders of iMERiT are Prof. Dr. Manu Malbrain (Professor at Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and ICU Director, University Hopsital Brussels (UZB), Jette, Belgium) and Dr. Niels Van Regenmortel (ICU Director, ZNA Stuivenberg, Antwerp, Belgium). At last IFAD meeting in November 2017, the Executive Committee of iMERiT also got a majority of international members by the appointment of Dr. Adrian Wong (from Oxford, UK), Prof. Dr. Paul Elbers (from Amsterdam, The Netherlands) and Prof. Dr. Xavier Monnet (Paris, France).
Twitter Comparative Analysis Background
Twitter is a microblogging site, founded in 2006, where users interact with a social network through creating or sharing posts. These may contain hashtags allowing aggregation of tweets to topics. Twitter has been used to amplify the reach of scientific conferences, with growing success. Tweets labelled with the conference hashtag allow unconnected individuals to join and participate in broader discussion stimulated by the conference – both locally and from a distance. Despite the increasing use of Twitter at critical care conferences, there remains debate as to its impact and ability to generate meaningful discussions beyond the duration of the conference itself.
The #BEACH2018 social media report contains lots of great insights into how social media can help to spread FOAM content, whether it is via LinkedIn, FaceBook, Twitter, Vimoe, Libsyn podcasts, Periscope, Youtube, Instragram,... you name it!
Top #BEACH2018 infographics and pictures
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